
Pengaruh Persepsi Terhadap Perilaku Pencarian Informasi di Scopus: The Effect of Perception on Scopus Information Search Behavior. Oleh: Maryono dan Barid BW

This research examines users perceptions on Scopus and its effects on information search behavior, which is very important related to the obligations of international publications and the high costs of submission and access which often lead to pros and cons. Perceptions use the ISO 25010 model, the information search behavior uses modified Ellis model. Perceptions of Scopus are excellent, although it is still considered too expensive. Scopus information is considered to be of high value, with sub-variables of accuracy, authenticity, and suitability. Information search behavior has not been systematic in accordance with the modified Ellis model. Mendeley’s use is very low, users are not yet accustomed to tracking citation, organise and store literature, arranging literature based on quality and novelty. H1 hypothesis accepted, there is correlation between perception and information search behavior, correlation coefficient 0,311. Increased perception will always be followed by an increase in search behavior.
Keywords: scopus, perception, information search behavior, Ellis model, ISO 25010

Penelitian survei ini menganalisis persepsi pengguna dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku pencarian informasi di Scopus, yang sangat penting dikaji, terkait adanya kewajiban publikasi internasional dan tingginya biaya submit serta akses yang sering menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Persepsi terhadap Scopus menggunakan model ISO 25010, perilaku pencarian informasi menggunakan model Ellis yang dimodifikasi. Persepsi Scopus sangat bagus, meskipun masih dianggap terlalu mahal. Informasi Scopus dianggap bernilai tinggi dengan sub variabel ketepatan dan keakuratan, keotentikan, serta kesesuaian. Perilaku pencarian informasi belum sistematis sesuai model Ellis yang dimodifikasi. Penggunaan Mendeley sangat rendah, belum terbiasa melacak sitasi, menata dan menyimpan literatur, serta menata literatur berdasar kualitas dan kebaruan. Hipotesis H1 diterima, terdapat hubungan antara persepsi dan perilaku pencarian informasi di Scopus, koefisien korelasi 0,311. Peningkatan persepsi akan selalu diikuti peningkatan perilaku.
Kata kunci: scopus, persepsi, perilaku pencarian informasi, model Ellis, ISO 25010

IPTEK-KOM, Vol. 20 No. 2, Desember 2018: 137 – 152.  1645-6514-1-PB

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