Buku-buku tua koleksi Hatta corner berjumlah kurang lebih 30.000 eksemplar, terpelihara dan dilestarikan oleh Perpustakaan UGM melalui unit Hatta Corner. Koleksi langka buku-buku tua tersebut, yang terbit pada masa penjajahan Belanda, masa pergerakan nasional serta pada masa awal kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, merupakan literatur yang bernilai sejarah sangat tinggi. Semenjak diserahterimakan kembali ke Perpustakaan UGM pada tahun 2005, telah dilakukan beberapa kali fumigasi untuk melestarikan fisik buku. Setelah dilakukan seleksi buku Indonesiana, dilakukan survei terhadap koleksi tersebut, untuk mengetahui secara rinci kondisi terkini tentang tingkat kerusakan, keragaman subyek kajian buku, kota terbit, penerbit, tahun terbit, hak cipta, serta alihmedia yang telah dilakukan. Dari 1751 judul koleksi Indonesiana Hatta corner, 122 rusak di bagian cover, 2 rusak di bagian naskah krn rapuh, 64 rusak penjilidannya. Berdasarkan tahun terbit, 1 judul terbit pada abad 17, 12 judul terbit abad 18, 493 judul terbit abad 19, dan 1097 judul terbit pada awal abad 20. Sebanyak 499 judul terbit di Indonesia yaitu 286 judul di Batavia, 93 di Jogjakarta, 71 di Bandoeng, 5 di Soerabaia dan kota-kota lainnya. Sebanyak 1105 judul terbit di Belanda yaitu 228 judul terbit di ‘s- Gravenhage, 207 judul terbit di Leiden, 204 judul terbit di Amsterdam, serta kota-kota lainnya. Penerbit yang paling utama yaitu Martinus Nijhoff sebanyak 155 judul, E.J. Brill 133 judul, G. Kolff & Co. Sebanyak 75 judul serta beberapa penerbit lainnya.
Kata kunci: Koleksi langka, Indonesiana, Manajemen koleksi, Pengembangan Koleksi
Hatta corner’s old books collection amounted to approximately 30,000 copies, maintained and preserved by the Gadjah Mada University Library. The collection of old books, which appeared in the Dutch colonial period, national movements period, and in the early days of the Republic of Indonesia’s independence, is literature that has a very high historical value. Since returned to the Gadjah Mada Library in 2005, fumigation has been carried out several times to preserve the physical book. After the selection of Indonesiana, followed by a survey to know in detail the current conditions on the extent of damage, the diversity of the subject matter of the book, the city published, publisher, date of publication, copyright, and as well as the digitization has been done. From 1751 titles, 122 damaged on the cover, 2 broken in part because of the fragile manuscript, 64 broken in bindings. By year of publication, 1 title published in the 17th century, 12 titles published 18th century, 493 titles published in 19th century, and in 1097 the titles published in the early 20th century. A total of 499 titles published in Indonesia, i.e. 286 titles in Batavia, 93 in Yogyakarta, 71 in Bandoeng, 5 in Soerabaia and other cities. A total of 1105 titles published in the Netherlands, i.e. 228 titles published in ‘s- Gravenhage, 207 titles published in Leiden, 204 titles published in Amsterdam, as well as other cities. Main publishers are Martinus Nijhoff 155 titles, EJ Brill 133 titles, G. Kolff & Co 75 titles as well as several other publishers.
Keywords: rare collections, Indonesiana, collection management, collection development
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