
Anda Perlu Literatur Ilmiah Indonesia ? Silakan pilih onesearch.id, portalgaruda.org, neliti.Com atau qjournal.id. Oleh: Maryono

Literatur ilmiah sangat penting sebagai acuan atau referensi untuk menyusun naskah kajian, proposal riset, skripsi, tesis, ataupun disertasi. Dengan literatur ilmiah hasil peneiltian terdahulu, sebagai basis pengembangan dan kajian selanjutnya. Literatur ilmiah Indonesia tersebar di berbagai repositori, website jurnal, website perguruan tinggi, ataupun blog pribadi. Permasalahan tersebut melatarbelakangi pendirian beberapa repositori untuk berusaha menyatukan sumber-sumber literatur ilmiah yang terserak. Terdapat sedikitnya 4 repositori yang cukup mumpuni dan mulai dirintis sebagai inovasi yang menjanjikan kemudahan pencarian literatur ilmiah Indonesia, yaitu onesearch.id, portalgaruda.org, neliti.com dan qjournal.id.

Berikut perbandingan beberapa fitur 4 sistem pencarian tersebut:

Website:    Onesearch.id Portalgaruda.org   Neliti.com      Qjournal.id
Kapan didirikan Dirintis 2015, uji coba 2017 2015 April 2015 2015
Siapa Pendiri Perpustakaan Nasional Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).


Anton Lucanus, ilmuwan Australia PT Telkom
Konten 5.560.583 entri, terdiri dari semua koleksi publik dari perpustakaan, museum, arsip, dan sumber elektronik di Indonesia dan e-resources yang dilanggan 4,819 jurnal
447,817 artikel Indonesia
538 Repositori, 1246 jurnal, dan dokumen ilmiah Indonesia 320 institusi, 56 jurnal
Fasilitas pencarian Dirancang sebagai 1 pintu pencarian literatur ilmiah, hampir semua unsur data disediakan. Meliputi: sektor, jenis institusi, format dokumen, judul, fulteks, pengarang, bahasa, genre, lokasi, tahun, penerbit, call number, ISBN, ISSN, dan kata kunci Judul, pengarang, penerbit, subyek, Judul, pengarang, institusi, repositori, jurnal, kategori jurnal internasional, terakreditasi, bidang studi, negara Judul, pengarang, tahun, ISSN

Daftar pustaka

Indonesia One Search. http://onesearch.id, 15 Februari 2018 pk 14.49 pm

Neliti repositori Ilmiah Indonesia. https://www.neliti.com/id/, 14 feb 2018, pk 7.37 am

Portal garuda, http://id.portalgaruda.org, 14 Februari 2018, pk 7:49 am

Qjournal. https://qjournal.id/, 14 Februari 2018 pk 8:08 am

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Siapakah ilmuwan dan peneliti dengan sitasi tertinggi ? Oleh: Maryono

Untuk mengetahui ilmuwan yang memperoleh sitasi tertinggi, dan berpengaruh paling besar terhadap kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dapat dilihat melalui beberapa lembaga pengindeks sitasi dan penyelenggara pemeringkatan. Beberapa lembaga yang telah menyelenggarakan pemeringkatan, merinci peringkat dengan kategori tertentu. Kategori untuk merinci wilayah negara tertentu, subyek bidang ilmu tertentu, ataupun pada tahun tertentu.

Pemeringkatan disusun berdasarkan indeks perolehan sitasi. Adanya pemeringkatan harus disyukuri, karena dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui perkembangan dan kemajuan riset pada kategori tertentu. Pemeringkatan juga telah merubah suasana menjadi lebih kompetitif, memacu kreasi dan inovasi di berbagai bidang ilmu, yang tentunya bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan manusia.

Salah satu lembaga pemeringkatan yang populer yaitu oleh Cybermetrics Lab, lembaga yang melakukan pemeringkatan webometric, pemeringkatan web universitas. Pemeringkatan tersebut berdasarkan data sitasi dari  Google scholar, yang dapat diakses di  http://www.webometrics.info/en/node/96.

Gambar 1 pemeringkatan ilmuwan oleh webometrics

Pemeringkatan ilmuwan juga diselenggarakan oleh Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China yaitu Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). Lembaga tersebut memeringkat ilmuwan untuk tahun 2016. http://www.shanghairanking.com/The-Most-Cited-Researchers-Developed-for-ShanghaiRanking-Global-Ranking-of-Academic-Subjects-2016-by-Elsevier.html#

Gambar 2 peringkat ilmuwan dunia pada 2016


Selain lembaga di atas, Web of science juga melakukan pemeringkatan ilmuwan dalam  website https://clarivate.com/hcr/. Peringkat ilmuwan dengan sitasi tertinggi disebut dengan “Highly Cited Researchers” yaitu 1% peneliti yang mendapat sitasi tertinggi dalam database Web of Science.

Gambar 3 Highly Cited Researchers

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Daftar pustaka

Webometrics. http://www.webometrics.info/en/node/96. 9 Februari 2018 pk 8:45 am

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). http://www.shanghairanking.com/The-Most-Cited-Researchers-Developed-for-ShanghaiRanking-Global-Ranking-of-Academic-Subjects-2016-by-Elsevier.html#. 9 Februari 2018 pk 8:50 am

Web of science. https://clarivate.com/hcr/. 9 Februari 2018 pk 8:58 am

Written by masyono in: bibliometri,database online,jurnal,Publikasi |

Mengekstrak data Scopus menggunakan advanced search. Oleh: Maryono

Fitur advanced search biasanya disediakan bagi pengguna database yang menyukai keleluasaan dalam memperoleh literatur, tidak terbatas pada data yang bersifat umum, tetapi juga untuk data yang lebih spesifik. Advanced dilengkapi dengan banyak kriteria, untuk membatasi hasil sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.  Terdapat berbagai kriteria yang mungkin sama antara satu database dengan database lainnya, atau mungkin juga memiliki fungsi yang berbeda.

Fitur advanced search Scopus memiliki banyak sekali set kriteria yang disebut dengan kode field (field codes). Sedangkan untuk operatornya hampir sama dengan advanced database lainnya.

Langkah-langkah menggunakan advanced search:

  1. Buka tab advanced search Scopus
  2. Mencoba menggunakan kriteria AFFIL yang mudah berikut:

AFFIL ( gadjah  AND  mada )  OR  AFFIL ( ugm )  OR  AFFIL ( gadjah )  OR  AFFIL ( mada )

Syntax tersebut menelusur institusi yang terdapat kata “gadjah” dan “mada”, digabungkan dengan yang terdapat kata “ugm”, digabungkan dengan yang terdapat kata “gadjah”, digabungkan yang terdapat kata “mada”

Dihasilkan 5.943 dokumen, pada 8 Februari 2018, pk 13.09

Jika menggunakan metode affiliation search, didapatkan hasil yang berbeda yaitu: 5.568 dokumen.

  1. Mencoba menggunakan advanced dengan lebih banyak kriteria dan lebih spesifik.

AFFIL ( gadjah AND mada ) OR AFFIL ( ugm ) OR AFFIL ( gadjah ) OR AFFIL ( mada ) AND ( PUBYEAR > 2010 )  AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , “ar” ) OR LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , “cp” ) OR LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , “ip” ) )

Syntax tersebut menelusur institusi yang terdapat kata “gadjah” dan “mada”, digabungkan dengan yang terdapat kata “ugm”, digabungkan dengan yang terdapat kata “gadjah”, digabungkan yang terdapat kata “mada”. dilakukan proses pembatasan (limit to), hanya untuk jenis dokumen artikel (article), artikel dalam proses terbit (article in press),   prosiding (conference paper), dan dibatasi untuk tahun di atas 2010, sehingga dihasilkan sejumlah 4.324 dokumen pada 8 Februari 2018, pk 13.32

  1. Mencoba menggunakan kriteria yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan hasil yang semakin spesifik.

AFFILCITY ( Yogyakarta ) AND AFFIL ( Ahmad Dahlan)

Menghasilkan 302 dokumen pada 8 Februari 2018, pk 13:50

AFFILCITY ( Yogyakarta ) AND AFFIL ( Ahmad Dahlan) AND NOT TITLE (“drug”)

Menghasilkan 293 dokumen pada 8 Februari 2018, pk 13:56

TITLE (“smartphone”) AND PUBYEAR > 2015 AND NOT TITLE (“3G”) AND (LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE ,  “cp”))

Menghasilkan 1.068 dokumen pada 8 Februari 2018, pk 14:22

TITLE (“smartphone”) AND PUBYEAR > 2015 AND NOT TITLE (“3G”) AND (LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE ,  “ar”)) AND SUBJAREA(ENER) AND AUTHCOLLAB(“Massachusset”) AND KEY(silicon)

Mengekstrak dokumen terdapat kata “smartphone”dalam judul , tahun di atas 2015, tidak terdapat kata “3G” dalam judul, dokumen tipe artikel, Subject area “energy”, dengan kolaborator terdapat kata “Massachusset”, dan kata kunci “silicon”.

Menghasilkan 1.594 dokumen pada 8 Februari 2018, pk 14:43

Fitur advanced search sangat bermanfaat pada saat menelusur data Scopus untuk kepentingan referensi penelitian, maupun pada saat mengekstrak data yang akan digunakan sebagai sampel dan populasi penelitian, terutama penelitian dokumenter menggunakan metode bibliometrik.

Tabel 1 operator advanced Scopus

Operators Description Example
AND Use AND when you want your results to include all terms and the terms may be far apart. Entering “lesion AND pancreatic” will find documents that contain both terms.


OR Use OR when your results must include one or more of the terms (such as synonyms, alternate spellings, or abbreviations). Documents that contain any of the words will be found. Entering “kidney OR renal” will find documents that contain either “kidney” or “renal”.


AND NOT Use AND NOT to exclude specific terms. Entering “ganglia OR tumor AND NOT malignant” will find documents that contain either “ganglia” or “tumor” but not “malignant”.

Entering “ganglia AND NOT tumor AND malignant” will find documents that contain “ganglia” but not “tumor” nor “malignant”.

Entering “(ganglia AND NOT tumor) AND malignant” will be interpreted as “ganglia” and “malignant” but not “tumor”.

PRE/ PRE/n “precedes by”. Where the first term in the query must precede the second by a specified number of terms (n). “n” can be a number from 0 to 255. behavioural PRE/3 disturbances would find articles in which “behavioural” precedes “disturbances” by three or fewer words.
W/ W/n “within”. Where the terms in the query must be within a specified number of terms (n). “n” can be a number from 0 to 255.

Either word may appear first.

pain W/15 morphine would find articles in which “pain” and “morphine” are no more than 15 terms apart.

 Tabel 2 field code scopus




ALL All Fields Searches the following fields: ABS, AFFIL, ARTNUM, AUTH, AUTHCOLLAB, CHEM, CODEN, CONF, DOI, EDITOR, ISBN, ISSN, ISSUE, KEY, LANGUAGE, MANUFACTURER, PUBLISHER, PUBYEAR, REF, SEQBANK, SEQNUMBER, SRCTITLE, VOLUME, and TITLE. ALL(“Cognitive architecture” AND robots) – returns documents with “Cognitive architecture” and “robots” in any of the fields listed.
ABS Abstract A summary of the document. ABS(dopamine) – returns documents where “dopamine” is in the document abstract.
AF-ID Affiliation ID A unique identification number assigned to organizations affiliated with Scopus Αuthors. Note: Boolean operators can’t be used within the AF-ID field. AF-ID(Harvard Medical School 3000604) or AF-ID(3000604) – returns documents written by Αuthors affiliated with Harvard Medical School and variants of that name stored in Scopus. AF-ID(Harvard Medical School) – would not result in a match, as you cannot search using only the name.
AFFIL Affiliation Specify when searching the AFFIL field, if you want all of your search terms to be found in the same affiliation. AFFIL is a combined field that searches the following Αuthor address fields found below: AFFILCITY, AFFILCOUNTRY, and AFFILORG. AFFIL(london and hospital) – searching terms in same affiliation AFFIL (london) and AFFIL (hospital) – both terms appear in document’s affiliation (not necessarily the same affiliation)
AFFILCITY Affiliation City The city portion of an Αuthor address. AFFILCITY(beijing) – returns documents where “beijing” is the city in the Αuthor affiliation fields, such as: Beijing Engineering Software Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100081, China
AFFILCOUNTRY Affiliation Country The country portion of an Αuthor address. AFFILCOUNTRY(japan) – returns documents where “japan” is the country in the Αuthor affiliation fields, such as: Sojo University, Kumamoto 860-0082, Japan
AFFILORG Affiliation Organization The organization portion of an Αuthor address. AFFILORG(toronto) – returns documents where “toronto” is the organization in the Αuthor affiliation fields, such as: Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
ARTNUM Article Number Used by a few publishers instead of, or in addition to, page numbers. Article numbers can be assigned at the time of electronic publication, so documents can be cited and searched for earlier in the publication process. ARTNUM(1) – returns documents with article numbers, such as: Art. no. 1, or Art. no. EGT-Nr 1.096.
AU-ID Author Identifier Number A unique identification number assigned to Scopus authors. Note: Boolean operators cannot be used in the AU-ID field. AU-ID(Sato, A. 100038831) or AU-ID(100038831) – returns documents authored by Sato, A. and variants of that name stored in Scopus. AU-ID(Sato, A.) – would give no match, as you cannot only enter the author’s name.
AUTHOR-NAME Author Name The name of an author. This field finds variants for a single author name. Note: separate the last and first name with a comma. AUTHOR-NAME(carrera, s) – returns documents with “carrera, s” in the ‘author’ name field.
AUTH Author A combined field that searches the following author fields: AUTHLASTNAME and AUTHFIRST. AUTH(jr) – returns documents with “jr” in the last name and first initial fields, including:

  • Finn Jr., C.E.
  • Jenkins, J.R.
AUTHFIRST Author First Initial AUTHFIRST(j) – returns documents with “j” in the author first initial field, including: Yu, J. or Paradi, J.C.
AUTHLASTNAME Author Last Name (family name) AUTHLASTNAME(barney) – returns documents with “barney” in the author last name field.
AUTHCOLLAB Collaboration Author The name by which a group of authors is known. AUTHCOLLAB(“alpha group”) – returns documents with “alpha group” in the collaboration field.
AUTHKEY Author Keywords Keywords assigned to the document by the author.

See more about How do Author / Indexed keywords work?

AUTHKEY(stroke) – returns documents where “stroke” is an author keyword.
BOOKPUB Book Search by Publisher BOOKPUB(elsevier) – returns books (only) published by Elsevier.
CASREGNUMBER CAS Registry Number A numeric identifier assigned to a substance when it enters the CAS registry database. CASREGNUMBER(1199-18-4) – returns documents with “1199-18-4” in the CAS registry fields.
CHEM Chemical A combined field that searches the CHEMNAME and CASREGNUMBER fields. CHEM(oxidopamine) – returns documents with “oxidopamine” in the chemical name or CAS registry number fields.
CHEMNAME Chemical Name CHEMNAME(oxidopamine) – returns documents with “oxidopamine” in the chemical name field.
CODEN A unique, code that identifies serial and nonserial publications. CODEN(rnene) – returns documents in the specified publication.
CONF Conference Information A combined field that searches information about a conference or a conference proceeding in the CONFNAME, CONFSPONSORS, and CONFLOC fields. Note: a search for an article includes conference papers. CONF(electrical transmission) – returns documents such as Proceedings of the Conference: Electrical Transmission in a New Age.
CONFLOC Conference Location CONFLOC(Tokyo) – returns documents such as Proceedings – Seventh International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region, HPCAsia 2004; Tokyo;
CONFNAME Conference Name CONFNAME(electrical transmission) – returns documents such as: Proceedings of the Conference: Electrical Transmission in a New Age.
CONFSPONSORS Conference Sponsors CONFSPONSORS(IEEE) – returns documents such as IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings.
DOCTYPE (XX) Document Type

View abbreviations for different documents

DOCTYPE(ar) – returns documents classified as articles.
DOI Digital Object Identifier (DOI) A unique alphanumeric string created to identify a piece of intellectual property in an online environment. DOI(10.1007/s00202-004-0261-3) – returns the document with the matching DOI.
EDFIRST Editor First Name (given name) EDFIRST(michael) – returns documents with “michael” in the first name field.
EDITOR Editor A combined field that searches EDLASTNAME and EDFIRST. EDITOR(smith) – returns documents with “smith” in the editor last name and first initial fields.
EDLASTNAME Editor Last Name (family name) EDITOR(smith) – returns documents with “smith” in the editor last name field.
EISSN Electronic International Standard Serial Number The EISSN of the electronic version of a serial publication. EISSN(0-7623-106) or (07623106) – returns documents containing “0762310669” as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within “0-7623-106”.
EXACTSRCTITLE Exact Source Title Searches the title of the journal, book, conference proceeding, or report in which the document was published. Only sources that contain the exact words in your search are returned. EXACTSRCTITLE(behavior) – returns documents published in the source “Physiology and Behavior”, but not documents in the source “Addictive Behaviors”.
FUND-ALL All Funding Information A combined field that searches the following Funding fields: FUND-NO, FUND-ACR, FUND-TEXT and FUND-SPONSOR. For example, FUND-ALL(NIH 5RO1AI091972-3)
FIRSTAUTH First Author The first author listed for a document. FIRSTAUTH(Liming, T) – returns documents with only with Liming, T as the first author on the author list, such as ‘Liming, T., Mingan, S…’.
FUND-SPONSOR Funding Sponsor FUND-SPONSOR(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) – returns documents with “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” mentioned as the sponsor name in the acknowledgements section of the article.
FUND-ACR Funding Sponsor Acronym FUND-ACR(NASA) – returns documents with “NASA” mentioned as the sponsor acronym in the acknowledgements section of the article.
FUND-NO Funding Grant Number FUND-NO(CDA-8619893) – returns documents with “CDA-8619893” mentioned as the grant number in the acknowledgements section of the article.
INDEX Index (Medline) Medline is the only database that can be used with the INDEX field. AND NOT INDEX(medline) – excludes Medline records from your search. INDEX(medline) – restricts your search to Medline records.
INDEXTERMS Index Terms Controlled vocabulary terms assigned to the document. INDEXTERMS(Fluorimetric assay) – returns documents where “fluorimetric assay ” is an index term.
ISBN International Standard Book Number A unique identification number assigned to all books. ISBN(9780123456789) – returns documents containing “9780123456789” as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within “978-0-123-45678-9”.
ISSN International Standard Serial Number A unique identification number assigned to all serial publications. ISSN(0959-8278) or (09598278) – returns documents containing “09598278” as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within “0959-8278”. Searching on the ISSN field also searches the ISSNP and EISSN fields.
ISSNP Print International Standard Serial Number The ISSN of the print version of a serial publication. ISSNP(0-7623-106) or (07623106) – returns documents containing “0762310669” as well as any other document containing single or multiple hyphens in any possible combination within “0-7623-106”.
ISSUE Issue Identifier for a serial publication. ISSUE(summer) – returns documents with an issue identifier of “summer”.
KEY Keywords A combined field that searches the AUTHKEY, INDEXTERMS, TRADENAME, and CHEMNAME fields.

See more about How do Author / Indexed keywords work?

KEY(oscillator) – returns documents where “oscillator” is a keyword.
LANGUAGE Language The language in which the original document was written. LANGUAGE(french) – returns documents originally written in French.

Note: Use the English name for the language. Searching for LANGUAGE(deutsch) will not work.

MANUFACTURER Manufacturer MANUFACTURER(sigma) – returns documents with “sigma” in the keywords fields.
ORCID Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) ORCID is a 16-digit number and is used by editors, funding agencies, publishers and institutions to reliably identify individuals in the same way that ISBNs and DOIs identify books and articles. ORCID must be entered as a 16 digit number (hyphens are not counted). For example: 0000-0002-1108-3360.
PAGEFIRST First Page PAGEFIRST(9) – returns documents with page numbers, such as: 9, and 9-16.
PAGELAST Last Page PAGELAST(9) – returns documents with page numbers, such as: 9, and 5-9.
PAGES Pages A combination field that searches the PAGEFIRST and PAGELAST fields. PAGES(1-2) – returns documents with a page number range of “1-2”. PAGES(9) – returns documents with page numbers, such as: 1-9, 9, and 9-16.
PMID PubMed Identifier A unique identifier for all Medline documents. PMID(10676951) – returns documents that have a PubMed Identifier of “10676951”.
PUBDATETXT Date of Publication A text date field indicating the date of publication. PUBDATETXT(July 2004) – returns documents with a publication date of “July 2004” and PUBDATETXT(“July 2004” OR “June 2004”) returns documents with publication date of “July 2004” or “June 2004”.
PUBYEAR Year of Publication A numeric field indicating the year of publication. Indicate the year using the following operators:

  • < – Before
  • > – After
  • = – Equal to

You can continue to use the older notation for the above three operators (BEF, AFT, and IS, respectively) in numeric fields; saved searches and alerts will continue to work as before.

PUBYEAR > 1994 – returns documents with a publication year after 1994. PUBYEAR < 1994 – returns documents with a publication year before 1994. PUBYEAR = 1994 – returns documents with a publication year of 1994.
REF References When searching the REF field, you can specify if you want all of your search terms to be found in the same reference. REF is a combined field that searches the REFAUTH, REFTITLE, REFSRCTITLE, REFPUBYEAR, and REFPAGE fields. REF(darwin 1859) – returns documents where your search terms occur in the same reference. REF(darwin) and REF(1859) – returns documents where both terms appear(but not necessarily the same reference)
REFAUTH Reference Authors REFAUTH(Wu) – returns documents with “Wu” in their reference author fields.
REFTITLE Reference Title REFTITLE(dioxin) – returns documents with “dioxin” in their reference title.
REFSRCTITLE Reference Source Title REFSRCTITLE(neuropharmacology) – returns documents where “neuropharmacology” is in the source title of a reference.
REFPUBYEAR Reference Year A numeric field indicating the year of publication of a document reference. Note: You can indicate the year using the IS operator. REFPUBYEAR IS 1994 – returns documents with references published in 1994.
REFARTNUM Article Number A persistent identifier for a document used by a few publishers instead of, or in addition to, page numbers. Article numbers can be assigned at the time of electronic publication, so documents can be cited and searched for earlier in the publication process. REFARTNUM(1) – returns documents where “1” is in the article number of a document reference, such as: Art. no. 1 and Art. no. EGT-Nr 1.096.
REFPAGE Reference Page Numbers REFPAGE(75) – returns documents where “75” is in the page numbering of a document reference, such as: pp. 71-75 and 75 pp.
REFPAGEFIRST First Page REFPAGEFIRST(5) – returns documents where “5” is in the page numbering of a document reference, such as: pp. 854-879 and pp. 5-7.
SEQBANK Sequence Bank The name of the sequence bank that lists a nucleotide or amino acid sequence that is defined or mentioned in a document. SEQBANK(GenBank) – returns documents with “GenBank” in the keywords field.
SEQNUMBER Sequence Bank Accession Number The number assigned to an amino acid or nucleotide sequence defined or mentioned in a document. SEQNUMBER(AB013289) – returns documents with “AB013289” in the keywords field.
SRCTITLE Source Title The title of the journal, book, conference proceeding, or report in which the document was published. SRCTITLE(pacific) – returns documents with “pacific” in the source title, such as Pacific Conservation Biology or 1989 Asia-Pacific Conference
SRCTYPE (XX) Source Type

View abbreviations for different source types

SRCTYPE(j) – returns documents from journal sources.
SUBJAREA(XX) Subject Area

View abbreviations for different subject areas

SUBJAREA(CHEM) – returns documents classified under the subject area Chemistry.
TITLE Article Title The title of an article. TITLE(“neuropsychological evidence”) – returns documents with the phrase “neuropsychological evidence” in their title.
TITLE-ABS A combined field that searches article titles and abstracts only. A similar combined field search could be TITLE-ABS-KEY, or TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH. TITLE-ABS(“heart attack”) – returns documents with “heart attack” in their article titles or abstracts.
TRADENAME A name used to identify a commercial product or service. TRADENAME(morbilvax) – returns documents with “morbilvax” in the keywords fields.
VOLUME Volume Identifier for a serial publication. VOLUME(34) – returns documents with a volume number of 34.
WEBSITE The URL of a website cited in the reference. WEBSITE(bbc.co.uk) – finds documents with this URL in the references.


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Naskah digital tentang candi Nusantara di koleksi langka Perpustakaan UGM. Oleh: Maryono

Naskah digital tentang candi Nusantara banyak tersedia di bagian koleksi langka Perpustakaan UGM. Naskah tersebut berasal dari kegiatan digitalisasi buku langka hibah dari Perpustakaan Yayasan Hatta (Hatta Foundation) yang digabungkan ke Perpustakaan UGM. Digitalisasi segera dilaksanakan semenjak 2013 dan masih akan berlanjut terus, demi menyelamatkan isi ribuan buku langka dari kerapuhan akibat dimakan usia dan mikroba perusak kertas. Dengan digitalisasi, isi naskah langka dapat lestari, dipelajari dan dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan.

Untuk mengakses naskah digital buku langka Perpustakaan UGM, dapat langsung menuju ke http://langka.lib.ugm.ac.id/. Tersedia fasilitas search judul, pengarang, kata kunci, serta kategori subyek dan bahasa. Akses dari luar perpustakaan UGM terbatas 10 halaman pertama, sedangkan akses di Ruang koleksi langka dan Windows of the World Perpustakaan UGM dapat diakses fullteksnya.



Naskah tentang candi Borobudur, Boro-boedoer op Het Eiland Java, sangat menarik karena menyajikan gambar relief yang merupakan hasil sketsa tangan, disusun oleh F.C. Wilsen seorang insinyur berkebangsaan Belanda.

Silakan di zoom untuk melihat detail naskah tersebut

Isi buku bukan hasil fotografi, tetapi sketsa relief candi Borobudur

Diantara naskah candi lainnya, terdapat naskah candi Djago, karya Dr. J.L.A Brandes

Silakan mencoba

Written by masyono in: Digitalisasi,Koleksi langka |

Aplikasi ipusnas Perpustakaan Nasional RI, meningkatkan minat baca, mencerdaskan bangsa

Aplikasi ipusnas mulai diluncurkan Perpusnas RI pada 16 Agustus 2016. Aplikasi yang mudah dan simple tersebut dapat diunduh di playstore android dan sangat mudah dipasang. Bermacam buku digital ebook tersedia untuk dipinjam dan dibaca, dengan sistem peminjaman yang menarik, simple dan ringkas. Masyarakat dari semua kalangan dapat menggunakan fasilitas tersebut. Untuk mengakses hanya diperlukan sedikit registrasi dan sesudahnya langsung dapat meminjam buku untuk dibaca melalui gadget yang kita miliki.

Ketentuan peminjaman melalui ipusnas: sudah login, terdaftar sebagai member, gratis menjadi member, membership selama 5 tahun, bisa meminjam hingga 1000 buku, maks pinjam 3 judul per hari, satu buku aktif selama 3 hari bisa dibaca fullteks. Berikut ini langkah-langkahnya:






























































































Buku yang sukar diperoleh, langka, ataupun yang sangat laris, mungkin bisa didapat dari ipusnas Perpusnas RI.

Silakan mencoba.

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